Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Fun B-More Style

Sorry that I haven't posted in nearly a month, just haven't found the time lately to do so. I know that I promised a more introspective look in the past month especially with the teams being here, but since I have not posted any updates on the goings on, I'll do that first.

Since my last post, two teams have come and gone. A team from Baltimore arrived shortly after L.A. team left, and immediately after Baltimore, San Jose New Hope (my home church) came and left last Saturday. To compare the two would be unfair, but I did have two very different experiences regarding each team.

With Baltimore team, it was made up of mostly high school youth group students, one college student, and a youth pastor. I definitely had my reservations about this team since it was made up of mostly youth group kids and a new youth pastor who only got to meet his team one week prior to the trip. I was more worried about team cohesiveness and maturity, considering that I wasn't too mature as a high schooler to go on missions. Even with those reservations, I would say that the experience was fruitful. More or less the schedule was similar to LA, there was a couple days of teaching English, some manual labor, weekend VBS at a village, village visitation during the week, and a whole lot of time spent with the Jasper Kids.

On their first official day of ministry, the team got to work on the Jasper Kids Staff housing unit that they started last summer. During their two week stay they finished building the walls to the unit, and I was impressed with their work. Since building a wall required precision, I was wary that a bunch of high school students would make the wall crooked, but they sure proved me wrong, and I was definitely pleased with their work effort. At every opportunity, all the team members were looking for ways to help out, and they seemed to revel in mixing cement and putting up the walls brick by brick. The next couple days, the team taught English at a local school in Wiang Pa Pao (it's actually 10 min away from the JK Home) called Baan Khuu School, teaching K-6. It was around this time my frustrations began to set in a little bit.

Having taught English last summer in Thailand, and teaching English now on weekends, I've come to understand that you need to have a gameplan going into whatever your teaching. From having a gameplan, to even having a backup lesson plan if you go through the lesson plan too quickly or things go awry, you have to come prepared or else the kids eat you up. Knowing this, I was frustrated that the mission team was ill prepared for teaching English, it just seemed like they were taking preparations or the whole teaching thing too lightly. All the more frustrating was that I couldn't really voice my concern because it wasn't my place to do it. Anyways, once we got to teaching, my concerns were realized as the members I was helping seemed a little flustered, but with some help, they made it through the day. After getting their feet wet, the team seemed fine on their next go around of teaching. From that I learned that I need to be patient and be reminded that God is in control. After a week of building and teaching, we all went to Huay Rai village to hold a weekend VBS. As usual, I didn't go to the village until Saturday afternoon because I teach English on Saturdays. Pastor JJ, the Soh's, and I didn't arrive until lunch, but from the looks of things everything seemed to have gone smoothly. The Baltimore team even had games prepared, so I could just relax and observe, which was a nice change, since it gave me some time to see how different teams function. Later that Saturday night, we held evening worship with the village folks and I'll have to say that it was my favorite part of the day. I really have to hand it to the Jasper Kids who went, because they came prepared with games, worship songs, the whole thing, to encourage the Christians in the village. They definitely challenge me to serve the Lord more passionately. More importantly, I think I got to really get to know some of the Jasper Kids better through the weekend VBS. I'll definitely will remember when we trekked across the rice paddies and streams at Huay Rai and played near the dam. Especially when we were walking across the rice paddies, I was just in amazement, that God gave me an opportunity to be half way across the world, in some remote mountain village, walk with some kids through a rice paddy. It's one of those once in a lifetime opportunities, and it made me feel like an explorer!

After the weekend VBS, the Baltimore team taught at Pasak School on Monday and Tuesday, and it was nice to see the students at that school again, since I taught there when L.A. team was here. On Monday, I think I had my most frustrating time teaching since I've been here in Thailand. I helped teach the kindergartners, and there was one little boy who would not listen throughout the day, and all he did was demand that I think about it, it was pretty funny...but at the moment it was annoying. I'm definitely not cut out to teach kindergartners. After teaching, we had lunch with the school kids, and we were planning to play games, but the students had to attend to an event at the Buddhist temple nearby. It was a bummer since all these students came up to me waiting for me to play games with them. The whole time I was thinking, how cool it was that they remembered me, but only to realize that the whole time they were waiting for me to see if I was gonna set up some games. Luckily, on Tuesday, after teaching was over we did get to play some games with the students.

On Wednesday, we spent the night at Huay Mai Dua, and I would say that this was my favorite visit throughout Baltimore team's stay. This is a village that the Jasper Kids Foundation visit infrequently because of the poor road conditions, and it was a first time for any team to visit, so it was definitely exciting, especially when not knowing what to expect. After a rather bumpy, but safe ride to the village, we took a walk around the village, and let me say, aside from Baan On (Ajan Somsak's village) this has to be the next most gorgeous village I've been too. Maybe it was the blue skies and the sun shining, and the vegetation looking lush, but the scenery was a sight to behold. After getting a little tour of the village, we gathered up all the village children and we held an impromptu VBS session. We sang songs and did body worships, as well as, make some bead crafts. I will say that I was very encouraged and proud to see the Baltimore team pull together and work as a team and do so passionately, especially when it was a spur of the moment kind of deal. It just kind of reminded me of Uganda when we were supposed to hold a revival meeting at the Internal Displacement Camps in Gulu, but couldn't because of rain, and instead held kids worship with all the kids that followed us into the church. God just opens these doors, and there comes a time where you just go with it, and that's what the Baltimore team did. I'm also very encouraged by their actions because up until this point, the team was disjointed, and it was obvious that the team wasn't functioning as a team well. That same evening, we held evening worship with the few Christians in the village, and man did God rock me that night!

The evening worship started out normally, with some praise songs, but the key difference was the pastor. This particular pastor is actually from Mae Chang Khaw village, and he was called to Huay Mai Dua to serve as its pastor, and what blew me away was his love for the Lord that was evident in his praise. Looking at what was unfolding right in front of me, I just saw a man who deeply loved the Lord and wanted to share that with other people, when easily he could've stayed in his village where there is a bigger Christian community, but he comes every weekend to pastor the Christians in this village. This is the power of our God, the power of the message of Christ, and it moved me tremendously. That night it just made me realize, how much I love doing what I'm doing right now.

I don't feel that any of it is a burden, and I find so much joy out of doing ministry, much more than any other endeavor that I've undertaken, whether it's school, work, basketball, etc. Which got me to thinking, is this where I should be, is God calling me to the ministry, to missions full time? Before this night, just the very thought of it scared me and I would quickly put aside my thoughts, but I actually sat there that night and pondered on it. I haven't reached to a conclusion yet, but it has definitely been on my heart ever since, and all the plans about going into a credentialing program, and becoming a teacher has been thrown up in the air, and I feel like I'm back to the beginning to figure what lies ahead in my future. It is definitely something to pray long and hard about, but the thought of it doesn't frighten me so much.

Anyways after spending the night at Huay Mai Dua, we returned back to the Jasper Kids Home, and the Baltimore decided to just hang out with the Jasper Kids until Friday morning. The rest of the week was very relaxing. Since the Baltimore team was made up of high school students, I can tell that they could relate with the Jasper Kids better than I can or anyone else since they're all around the same age. It's encouraging to see how invested the team was in the Jasper Kids. After Friday rolled around, the team left for Chiang Mai, and I stayed back at the Jasper Kids Home to run a few errands that Pastor JJ wanted me to finish.

Overall I'd say working with the Baltimore team was both frustrating and fruitful. Frustrating in the sense that sometimes the focus wasn't there from the team, or there was a lack of unity, even though they had all the resources to excel, and a lot of it comes with being a high school student, I mean I can definitely remember not being as mature in high school. Having the Baltimore team was fruitful, because even with those deficiencies, God showed me He can use them for His glory. Whether it was through their willingness to do some manual labor, to their flexibility at Huay Mai Dua, to their genuine love for the Jasper Kids. Aside from having my moment in Huay Mai Dua, having the Baltimore team was fruitful in that it reminded me how important team unity is, especially after how my team from last year was not unified, and the Baltimore team taught me to trust in the Lord and have patience, no matter how much I wanted to intervene with the team. I had to trust in God's provision and not overstep my bounds, I know it sounds like a weak lesson, but it's definitely that was hard for me to do. In the end good experience all around! After Baltimore, the same Saturday that they left, San Jose New Hope arrived, and I will go into more detail about the San Jose team in my next post, otherwise enjoy the pics!

Teaching 1st - 2nd Grade at Baan Khuu School

Lunch after a hard day's study

Who's balloon is gonna pop first?

Anna, Mira, and Wonju hard at work teaching.

My students at Baan Khuu School

My other set of students

VBS at Huay Rai Village

The church at Huay Rai Village

Pondering Little Boy

Games involving food always priceless

Some of the Jasper Kids and Wonju

This was the runt of the litter, oh so cute

Teaching Kindergartners at Pasak School

The humble church at Huay Mai Dua, who needs a big facility when you can praise God in style in a hut with a thatched roof!

The nicest house I've seen in any village I've visited

Second best landscape next to Baan On

She's so cute!

Everyone holding up their Jesus piece...I kid, it's their fish piece!

Fellowship with the village kids

Fellowship with the villagers, so awesome!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Rush Pt. 2

So continuing from the last post, the STSM teams have started to come, and beginning two weeks ago, I had the pleasure to serve with Great Harvest Church in Buena Park. I know this will put a smile on the team, but I truly had a blast getting to know this group and serving with this group. I couldn't have asked for a better first team to serve with, now that I'm on the other side of the perspective. Inititally I was both excited and nervous about meeting the team. Excited because I'd be able to talk to people my age and especially have fellowship with guys my age, which I do lack. I was also nervous because I didn't know how I would fit in within the short termers-missionary relationship. Seeing that this was my first time hosting a team, I didn't know what to expect. Luckily, the first day when I met the team, we all clicked, Jeff, Chris, Monica, Lisa, and Jane. I guess it's good to have mutual friends that we can talk about...hahaha... thank you guys for making me feel as if I was part of the team!

Anyways, the team stayed in Thailand for about 11 days, and the time went by real quick. I guess that's what happens when you do ministry and you enjoy doing kingdom work. So GHC had the opportunity to teach at two schools, one in a mountain village and another in the town of Wiang Pa Pao. The team first went to Thung Kha Chi School in the village, there were about 30 kids in all, and it was a joy to see some familiar faces, since I had the chance to teach at that school last summer. Basically the team taught English and split the class into Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th, and 5th & 6th. I taught the 5th & 6th with Jane and Pastor Peter (pastor of GHC), and I was impressed with how well the team prepared their lesson plans, so thank you for making it easy for me! After teaching the kids, we played some outdoor games like tug of war, sack race, etc. That was much pretty much the schedule when we taught at the Wiang Pa Pao school as well, just on a slightly larger scale.

After teaching English for a couple days, Pastor Peter had to go back to the States for Sunday worship. I really enjoyed his company and wished he could of stayed longer, but he's got his duties to fulfill, so I'm happy that he enjoyed his time with the Jasper Kids. The weekend following the English teaching, we all went to Mae Chang Khaw village to do a Saturday VBS. I went late because I had to teach English to the Jasper Kids and town kids in the morning, but when I got there, it seemed like the VBS went smoothly. I definitely saw the team enjoying themselves, enjoying the ministry, and enjoying the kids. I guess the only downside was that Chris was sick and Monica had bad allergic reactions to her bug bites, so they had to go back to the town and pay a visit to the doctor's. Even though something like this could have put a downcast on the whole team, the team was pretty upbeat the whole day! Mae Chang Khaw was especially rewarding for me, because I got to come back to a village that thoroughly enjoyed last year, and again bask in God's creation. Seriously visiting the mountains are sooo fun! After spending the night at Mae Chang Khaw, Pastor JJ, Missionary Alex and the family, myself, Lisa, Jane, and Jeff had Sunday worship at the village church. It's always encouraging to see God working in the village tribes of Thailand. After lunch, we came back down to the Jasper Kids home, and I was relieved to find both Chris and Monica in good spirits. I was worried that they might be bummed not to be able to spend the night at the village with their teammates, but it wasn't so, so praise God! The following few days, we all worked on building the sliding doors for the Jasper Kids closets, and I got a kick out of how much GHC team enjoyed doing some construction work. There's something about doing manual labor and working with your hands and building something.

After all the ministry agenda was finished, the team spent their final night at the Jasper Kids, Home, and I can tell how much the Jasper Kids loved having the team at their home and how much the team enjoyed being with the Jasper Kids, definitely a touching moment. It's awesome to see how God can use different people from different parts of the world to encourage one another. Afterwards, the next two days the team spent their time in Chiang Mai doing touristy things, so that they can take in Thai culture. So I tagged along and we went to the elephant camp, Tiger Kingdom (the team got to pet tigers, pretty awesome), Night Bazaar, and most importantly, we ate a lot. We ate soo much in two days that I skipped dinner on the second day. To the team, thank you for the Sizzler dinner! I will always cherish the New York steak! Hahahaha...That pretty much sums up the last three weeks. As of now I'm serving the Baltimore team, and so far it has been fun. I know most of posts lately have been updates on what has been going on, but within the next few days I'll have a post where I'll be more introspective on all that has gone down in the past few weeks. Until then, enjoy some pictures.

Jeff, Monica, Lisa, Jane, and Chris
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Thung Kha Chi School
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Tug-of-War with the Thung Kha Chi school children
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)
Chris and Lisa's class
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Jeff and Monica's Class
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)
Jane, Pastor Peter, and My Class
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)
The school kids running after us.

Local Wiang Pa Pao School

Kids eating lunch...aroy (delicious)!

(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Teaching the 5th and 6th graders.

Chris trying to even the odds!
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Working on the sliding doors.
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Last night at the Jasper Kids Home.
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Ajan Somsak's pick-up getting stuck on the road on the way to Mae Chang Khaw Village
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

GHC's picture frame craft! Impressive!
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Pastor JJ giving a short message at the VBS.

Chris showing off his guitar skills.
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)

Balloon fight with the toddlers.
(photo courtesy of GHC Team)


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer Rush Pt. 1

Oh my, my posts are starting to be further and further apart. It's been three weeks since I've last posted, and I'm sitting here wondering how I'm going to tackle this. I know if I make it too long, people will have a hard time reading it. I guess I'll just break it up into three parts. First off the reason that it's taken me so long in between posts is that the short term summer mission teams (STSM) from the States have started to arrive. So the last two weeks, I've been helping out with Great Harvest Church (Los Angeles), and now the team from Baltimore is here, so sorry for the delay.

Let's just start off from the last post. Three weeks ago, I spent my last week in Chiang Mai before I headed up to Wiang Pa Pao. In doing so, I finished up my Thai language lessons and finished my tutoring commitments. Overall, both have been good experiences. The Thai language has been tremendous in that I can communicate with the Jasper Kids a lot better, plus having got to know my language teacher, I have total respect for her and her faith in God. From the stories she's told me about herself over the past three months, I'm continually being challenged to live a life based on faith in our God and Jesus Christ. As far as tutoring went, although I don't feel like I taught much at all, I'm satisified knowing that I've built new relationships that I'd never fathom building. That goes for both the Korean volunteers that I tutored as well as the Korean missionary kids. God deserves all the credit for placing these people in my lives and vice versa.

In the final week of my commitment, I decided to treat my kids out to eat at McDonald's, and I was in for a suprise. I told the kids that they could get whatever they wanted, and however much they wanted, and my jaw dropped at how much the kids could eat. One kid ate a value meal, extra hamburger, and a chicken wrap! Seriously, it looked like these kids had never eaten a hamburger before or had been starved before eating. Regardless, I got a lot of joy watching the kids eat. Afterwards we played in the arcade, and I got my butt whooped in Winning 11 (soccer game). Thanks to Missionary Alex for taking me and the kids to eat McDonald's. That same night, my volunteer students got me presents, and when I opened it they were all toiletry items, like body wash, toilet paper, etc. There was even a lotion that supposedly lightens your skin, I don't know what they were trying to imply, but I guess I'm getting darker out here in Thailand. I definitely got a good laugh out of their gifts. I guess this is one of the perks of being a teacher.

Aside from saying my goodbyes, I've completely moved all my belongings to Wiang Pa Pao for the next two and half months. Luckily I have my own room, I'll get some pictures up of my room a little bit later. Oh I also have some good news! I finally received my work permit! I can officially be employed in the nation of Thailand, and I'm not an illegal alien in this country, so praise God! I just have to report myself next month to prove that I'm really working, so please pray for me. That all went down three weeks ago, two weeks ago the first STSM team came from the L.A. area, Great Harvest Church. Got to meet Jeff, Chris, Monica, Jane, and Lisa, and I found out that my college roommates grew up with them, kind of crazy how we know the same people. Over the course of their stay, it was a blast to work with them and hang out with them. I'll talk about my GHC experience tomorrow. Hopefully my post isn't too long, and sorry if there is no flow to the post, I'm writing this while I'm really tired, so sorry. Also I've posted my May newsletter as a link on the right side of the blog, so check it out if you haven't. Alrighty, I'll post tomorrow...shout out to Daniel Park, congrats on graduating...your done son!!!
The Volunteers that I tutor, except for the guy in the middle, I just helped him move his furniture.
Jung Heum, one of the kids I tutor.
Starting from the back: Ye-Ra, Paul, and Eui-Ra.